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Power of Referrals

By using the Public Marketplace which Dynamic Channels offers, Unbounce software saw 25% increase of their New Trials Starts shift to partner referrals.

But and while those new trials are an important indicator of customer acquisition, what’s additionally valuable is all the support they got for their partner program.

Included with their Marketplace listing, they get:

  • Automated Referral Tracking

  • Automated Commission Tracking

  • Automated Partner Communications, with Triggers

  • Automated Partner Onboarding

  • Automated Partner Reporting

In a time where Covid negatively hurts businesses with “pre-existing conditions” hardest, it might be time to make sure you have your referral channel in order and get the all the tools required to properly support it, with a tight level of administration...with your own dedicated implementation coach included.

In a time where Covid negatively hurts businesses with “pre-existing conditions” hardest, it might be time to make sure you have your referral channel in order and get the all the tools required to properly support it, with a tight level of administration.

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