For small to medium sized ISVs & SIs looking to enter the (Microsoft Dynamics) Channel in America, we provide an alternative that can scale and help you get started more quickly than hiring resources directly.
For less than the cost of full-time resources, we provide: Market & Channel Development services, including: prospecting, lead development, pipeline management, and channel development, with an option to get listed in Public P2P Marketplaces where offerings are available to end customers and to affiliate or reselling partners.
Want some help recruiting and managing partners ?
Don't worry - we have resources to add scale and work to scale your program!
Our resource pool is comprised of a network of independent contractors and partners, who are available on a service basis, providing our clients flexibility and scalability.
Most companies build their channel program with internal resources, using standard "business development" to support the development of traditional reselling and/or consulting partners, That's fine. But, what we do is apply B2C marketing techniques to help B2B partner development,
Especially with Covid, relationships are moving online. The internet has changed evaluation and buying practices. Realizing that, we offer the Partner MarketPlace listing and affiliate referral tools to support this new paradigm.
We provide a technology-enabled Partner-to-Partner Marketplace listing (which includes PRM tools and automated referral affiliate tracking to support partners) - provided through our established SaaS partners who deliver PRM and MarketPlace tools as their core business. Combined with that (or available separately), we offer Program Development and Channel Recruiting on a professional services basis. Our goal is to help software vendors scale their network of referral and reselling partners.
Cincinnati, OH, USAÂ Â Â Hannut, Liege, Belgium
+1.513.375.6437 (USA) +32 478 98 10 37 (EU)
Our principal consultants have been working in the IT channel for a minimum of 10 years, with 20 years of experience in the IT industry being the average.

Consultants working on recruiting projects are selected based on their first-hand commercial experience in target markets, regions, and platforms.